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The belief that “good lighting design doesn’t draw attention” simply isn’t true.

You may not always see it, but you certainly feel it. That’s what first attracted me to designing light. Good lighting draws attention in the right way. It demands that the audience feels or notices something at just the right moment. I am constantly in awe of the power of light and its ability to tell a compelling story. 

K (she/they) is a freelance lighting designer in New York City and Washington, D.C. They received their Masters of Fine Arts in Lighting Design from NYU Tisch School of the Arts.

K gravitates toward lighting work that lives in two extremes: she is as enamored with the community and experimentation of devised work and avant-garde theatre as she is with the high-octane rush and scale of industrials, concerts, and commercial theatre. The beauty and magic of light is that there’s no one way to use it to tell a story! 

 K comes to the table full of ideas, lighting-based or otherwise, and is eager for her collaborators to do the same. There’s more excitement in what people of different minds and backgrounds can build together than what they can conjure alone.